Yesterday and today we were back at the work in the manor house. We're almost to the painting stage for a couple of the rooms, but in the mean time I've learned how to apply plaster to walls. It's been challenging but I've enjoyed it. If you think about it like art and suppress any perfectionist tendency, it can be quite relaxing in its own way once you hit a rhythm. We have half a room left on the top floor as well as some touch up to do in a couple other rooms. Here's proof I made myself useful:
There have been other side projects going on besides the main focus on patching walls. Mark has been busy on the main floor trying to fix up a ceiling. The older kids have been stacking lots of firewood in between their schoolwork. When not helping with the renovation work (as seen above) Carole has been doing a wonderful job at keeping us fed; I try to help in the kitchen, but if you know me you know cooking is not my strong point. With the colder weather the mice have decided to take up residency in the main house, so engineering and setting up live traps has been keeping Clint busy. And Matt and John have been busy keeping all of us busy.
We know how to work hard but we certainly take breaks to play hard. Tomorrow we're heading to "the Mall" (titles as such because we can't actually remember the name of it) for some wandering, shopping and picking up groceries, because all this work and play requires eating, which is also something we do well as a group. And let's be honest, the food in Europe is better. Hands down.
I'll be working on getting pictures edited and posted soon, but in the meantime here's a pictures of some of our neighbors I snapped on a morning walk last week. They stared at me, quite literally, the whole time I was visiting. A bit unnerving, but I thanked them for letting me snap their photo anyhow. And just between you and me, I think they're rather cute... in a homely way.
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